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despicable me minions

The Minions at Burot Beach

My minions just had their first beach getaway at Burot Beach in Calatagan, Batangas!

Oh what a fine day it is at the beach! They seem to be afraid of the water though. LOL.

This evil minion just can’t get enough of Tim and Tom’s non-stop giggling so he choose to stay away from them so he could get a tan by himself.

OH CRAP! They found him so the terrible two took turns in burying him totally in the sand LOL!

PAPPOOYYY! (We caught a fish!)

The minions said it’s highly recommended to use a sunblock with high SPF at the beach!

The Minion Bullies

Domo-kun got banana. Tim and Tom saw him so they cornered him:
Tim: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-na-na-na-na?
Domo-kun: ………
Tom: Ba-ba-ba! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! *giggles histerically*

The minion bullies snatched the banana off Domo-kun, leaving him empty handed!

They ran off like crazy until Domo-kun couldn’t chase them anymore. Nasty Minions!
Tim: Bana-nana-na-na-na?
Tom: Uhhh….Potato!
Quick photoshoot I did for these little buggers I got from my ‘minions’ at the office. It was all part of a crazy joke they had ‘coz I’m so fond of calling them that way LOL. They’re supposed to the three, but I left the other toy on my desk. I don’t know if I’m gonna collect all 9 toys, I don’t like how the others looked, like the cyclops minions. Here’s the rest, you can buy them at McDonald’s Happy Meal:
I’ll do another photoshoot soon together with my other toys. Maybe a Taiga vs. The Minions showdown? 😉
Don’t forget to LIKE my hobby page below for more pictures of these cute little minions!

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