Kiririn just created an Instagram account and would like to post her selfies for her fans to see! 🙂

Kirino: Hey, Domo-kun, can you take my picture?
Domo: Okay.

Kirino: Mind the angle, okay? I heard #selfies are kinda cool lately.

Kirino: I’ll add onii-chan and I bet he’ll like my selfies!
Domo: ….

Kirino: Alright, a full body selfie! XD
How about you? Do you post your #selfies for everyone to see? 😀 Kiririn was my first choice in doing this quick photoshoot, she’s too girly! I only have a few nendoroids and Kirino was the first nendoroid I bought. 
Please don’t forget to like my fanpage on Facebook! 🙂